EMT training can begin earlier than you think. Students who are pursuing a profession as an EMS provider can begin planning and choosing the best possible paramedic school course load as early as the beginning of their high school years. Training starts by finding good information and seeking good advice. With the help of an informed guidance counselor and careful attention to selecting the best possible course load, young men and women can put themselves on the pathway for a paramedic career.
Science classes, in particular biology, should obviously be at the core of any high school education for EMS training, as they are inextricably linked in so many important ways and a foundation of paramedic school. Classes on anatomy and physiology should be studied and mastered, as these form the basis of the profession and will be an important foundation for any paramedic training career that takes place later. Chemistry and physics will also be imperative. It is important to have as many of these courses or related courses as possible, as well as mastering the curriculum for each one. Mathematics will be another course a student should take as much instruction as possible, especially advanced classes. Just because you are not working in a financial setting does not mean you will not need mathematics. When working in the EMS field, assessing patient information, reading instruments, checking vitals, etc. ~ these all involve mathematics.
Advanced Placement Courses
Most high schools offer advanced placement (AP) courses and exams. Taking these classes can give students a head start on their EMS training and certification as a paramedic. Students need to maintain good grades, as these classes can be an important part of their college transcripts. Nonetheless, AP courses help you prepare for college-level work while you are still in high school and they can also give you the jump on the paramedic school courses required for EMS certification. Individuals interested in specific colleges should contact those schools and ask about their admissions requirements, verifying the AP classes chosen are accepted by the college or university. In addition, if the high school does not offer what a student needs in the way of EMS courses, online AP classes are available.
Important Skills
Students should also try to pick up skills in as many practical applications as they can. CPR certification might be one way to do this. Blood donation and blood drives could be another. Helping to organize a blood drive, for example, can be a great way to learn how blood moves through the medical system and ultimately saves lives. Certification can be made easier through knowledge and experience, and men and women should gain as much of this experience as possible before going on to college. Not only does this provide first-hand experience, but a student can determine if this really is the career that they want to choose and if paramedic school is the right path.
Guidance counselors are on hand to help students plan their careers at the end of and beyond high school. This will usually involve forming a list of colleges and universities that excel in EMS and paramedic training. It is important to know that some institutions offer EMT training classes only, while others offer theadvanced full courses through paramedic training. Counselors can research prospective educational institutions and make some suggestions and recommendations. This should help those individuals moving on to college to make an informed decision, as well as being certain their choice of education is accredited for emergency medical training. Furthermore, keep in mind; EMS courses may have different application and enrollment requirements at different schools. Be sure you qualify.
Ultimately, an EMS education can begin as early as a self-starter student wants. Taking the appropriate classes in high school and obtaining good grades should provide an excellent starting point for a paramedic training and a successful career as a paramedic. A background in the sciences and math will make the transition to formal EMT training smooth and efficient, providing those students with a greater chance towards obtaining their dream job, that of a paramedic working to save lives.