EMT Paramedic certification necessitates individuals to obtain an education over and above a high school diploma. Typically, and specifically in order progress to the highest level of an EMT, a college degree at or beyond an Associate Degree is essential. Though each state and country will vary within the pre-requisites essential for applying to an EMS program or paramedic school, the majority of courses adhere to the same basic requirements. Program requisites for admittance may also vary, so it helps to do some research before you apply to any school or program. Here is a short check list of information that you should adhere to prior to enrolling in any EMT course or paramedic program.
Entrance Requirements:
• Each applicant must be a minimum of 18 years old to apply
• High school diploma or the equivalent
• Proof of up-to-date immunization records including Tuberculosis, Rubella, Measles, Mumps and Varicella are needed. TB shots cannot be older than six months from the start of class
• Hepatitis C vaccination series need to be completed, or a form stating you don’t wish to take part in the vaccination is required before the start of EMS courses
• Satisfactory completion of a college level English and Math course
• Proof of a “passing” physical exam- no older than one year
• A clean background check and proof of medical insurance
EMT training programs can be taken:
• At Colleges
• At Universities
• At Technical schools
• In Hospitals
• At Fire Fighter training centers
Prior to enrolling:
• Check the qualifications and reputation of the EMT paramedic program.
• Explore the cost, but do not let it be a ruling factor. If necessary, look into the availability of financial aid, many EMS schools offer aide programs.
• Choose a program that will help guide you through the NREMT and certification. This certification test is called a National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and is a requirement for paramedic licensing.
• Become familiar with the expectations, courses and schedules required.
Courses and Education
Once you begin your education stay consistent and committed to the courses. If you struggle with routines or schedules, make one. Set a place and time each week for study and then be committed to it. Find a peer (or peers) to study with, accountability to another reaps rewards and helps you to stay focused, on a schedule, and dedicated to your coursework. This is especially helpful if you are juggling a job and/or family responsibilities. If they suffer, so do you. So make a schedule, commit to a routine, and stick with it. Then you can have your free time for other responsibilities without the stress of wondering when you can find time to devote to study. Relieving stress whenever and where ever you can will help you complete your certification successfully.
The rewarding profession of an EMT or EMT paramedic involves intense training. Follow these guidelines to make an informed decision before embarking on any EMT training program or participating in a paramedic school.