EMT Paramedic Schools-Info provides detailed assistance for those interested in the rewarding career field of an EMT or Paramedic. From EMT training and requirements (by state and country), to EMT paramedic schools and training programs, you can find your answers at Paramedic-Schools-Info. We will help you research training, schools, programs, courses, and careers, enabling you to determine the best for your needs, in your area. You will also find guidance towards improving and advancing your EMT career.
Author’s Note: Having worked with EMTs and paramedics, witnessing first hand their dedication as well as the challenges, I chose to lead this project with a goal to provide information and access to EMT training and paramedic training for those interested in this rewarding career. As an educator and a librarian, I have spent years as a researcher and providing resource services. Information and accuracy are important to me. It is our goal to deliver just such attributes through this website and its resources.
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